I recently found myself doing some work in Python and started questioning when I should be using named function arguments. After pondering for a while on personal preference, I realised that there was a more factual answer based on the ideas of Connascence. In this article, I introduce these concepts and demonstrate one way in which connascence can help you write better code.

Named Arguments

In Python, you can choose to call any function with or without named arguments. For example — given a function defined like so:

def send_message(email_address, subject, message)

You can choose to call the function with positional arguments like so:

             "Hello Friend",
             "Dear Friend, I hope you are well")

Alternatively, you can choose to use named parameters:

             subject="Hello Friend",
             message="Dear Friend, I hope you are well")

An important fact about named arguments is that you don’t have to provide them in the correct order.

When it comes to choosing which style you want to use, you can come up with various arguments based on coding style and preference. However, by considering connascence, a software quality metric & a taxonomy for different types of coupling, you can make a much more educated decision.


Connascence is a way to think about, identify and discuss different types of coupling in software. I was re-introduced to connascence in a session with Ian Johnson at SoCraTesUK this year. Since taking it back to Armakuni, it has become a relatively common part of mine and Billie’s language at work (it’s particularly useful when working with legacy code).

Connascence is made up of three parts:


Locality is the distance between coupled pieces of code. A private method defined and called only within a single class is very local. A public method which is called from entirely different modules/areas in the codebase has a much lower locality.


The degree is the number of times a specific coupling occurs. If a method is only ever called once then the degree is very low. If it’s called many times, then it’s high.


Connascence identifies different types of coupling and puts them in order of strength — the stronger the coupling the harder the code is to maintain. These strengths are also grouped into two categories —  static and dynamic.

Static types of connascence can be recognised by reading the code. These are (from weakest to strongest):

The dynamic types of connascence are all stronger than the static types. They are identified by analysing the runtime behaviour of the code and are harder to recognise/understand. These are (from weakest to strongest):

How does Connascence help?

To write maintainable code, we want to reduce coupling as much as possible. By designing our code so that the coupling is as low and weak as possible, we make it much easier to change and move forward. Connascence gives us a metric to identify when and how we can improve our code to achieve these goals.

The idea is that we want to lower the strength of any coupling we find — and the higher the degree and lower the locality, the more important it is to reduce the strength. If we can’t lower the strength, then we want to reduce the degree and/or increase the locality.

For the rest of this article, I’ll only be talking about the connascences of name and position. To learn about all the other type see http://connascence.io/.

To determine when to use named arguments, let’s first understand the name and position types of Connascence:

Connascence of Name

Connascence of name is the lowest strength type of coupling in the list. In fact, connascence of name is present in almost every single line of code — and therefore is generally not a negative type of connascence.

Connascence of name is simply that one piece of code refers to another piece of code by name; this could be a class name, variable name, method name or an argument name. It’s coupled because if you change the name in one place, you have to change it in the other place too.

def say_hello():

def greet():

Connascence of Position

Position is the second highest static connascence. It exists when you have to have additional knowledge about the order that things appear in. For example:

name = row[0]
age = row[1]
favourite_colour = row[2]

If the code that creates row changes the order of the the elements, then you’d have to consider updating every piece of code that referred to the elements in row by index.

In the case of function arguments, connascence of position occurs anywhere that you call a function with positional arguments:

def send_email(email_address, subject, message):
  # implementation...

send_mail("friend@example.com", "Hello Friend", "I miss you")

If you change the order of the arguments in the function signature, then you need to update every place which calls it.


In a compiled, statically typed language, the compiler would help identify these changes — and this can be improved further by using specific types rather than primitives. However, in dynamically typed languages it’s more important to make it clear so that mistakes are recognised before going into production.

Note: Using specific types instead of primitives is moving from connascence of meaning to connascence of type. Connascence of type is a lower strength than meaning, so this is a good thing.

It is possible to describe the order of the arguments in the name of the function. e.g.

users = fetch_users_by_age_and_favourite_colour(23, "red")

However, this runs the risk of the parameter order being changed but the name not being updated. It’s also overly verbose.

So when should we use named arguments?

Surely, given all this information about connascence the answer is to always use named arguments — right?

Using named arguments definitely provides some benefits:

  • Easier to understand when reading function calls
  • No need to worry about changing the parameter order
  • Adding a new argument is easier (especially if it has a default value)

However, it does add verbosity to the code which may be less desirable in some situations. Therefore there are some situations when using positional arguments might be the better option. These are:

1. When you have a low degree and high locality

If a function/method is only ever called from within the file it is defined in (assuming that file is not too large), then it might be more readable to just positional arguments:

def fizzbuzz(number):
  if _is_divisible_by(3, number) and _is_divisible_by(5, number):
    return "fizzbuzz"

  if _is_divisible_by(3, number):
    return "fizz"

  if _is_divisible_by(5, number):
    return "buzz"

  return number

def _is_divisible_by(divisor, number):
  return number % divisor == 0

2. When you have a single argument function

If a function takes only a single argument and is unlikely to ever have to take more, then its parameter may be so obvious that it is not necessary to use the name.

result = square_root(number)

3. When the order is implicit in the domain context

Sometimes a domain context has an implicit order. In this case, I think it can be OK to rely on the positional arguments.

red = rgb_colour(255, 0, 0)


Connascence is a simple idea that can help us write better code. In this case we’ve learned that favouring named arguments in languages which allow them creates more maintainable code.

I intend to follow this article up with another one which looks at how this applies in a strictly typed language like Haskell — taking into account the connascences of type and meaning.