We’re all told that our exception messages should be nice and informative.
Often sprintf
is used to format the exception messages. This is all well and
good, it’s very helpful when an exception gets thrown and logged. However, it
leads to code that looks like this:
public function someUsefulMethod($id)
$entity = $this->repository()->findById($id);
if (!$entity) {
throw new MyExceptionClass(
'The nice descriptions that methods id "%d" and the type of entity "%s".',
is_object($entity) ? get_class($entity) : gettype($entity)
// Do stuff with $entity ...
This looks like a bit of a mess to me. It takes up 9 lines and has 3 extra levels of indentation.
Some time ago I submitted a pull request on a project (I forget which) and Ocramius suggested that I use a static factory method inside my exception to make it neater. I had a look at some exception classes in the project and definitely found it was neater! (I assume others are out there using this pattern too?).
I decided to adopt this pattern, and instead of the code above I now had this:
Exception Class
class MyExceptionClass
public static function usefulErrorDescription($id, $entity)
return new self(
'The nice descriptions that methods id "%d" and the type of entity "%s".',
is_object($entity) ? get_class($entity) : gettype($entity)
public function someUsefulMethod($id)
$entity = $this->repository()->findById($id);
if (!$entity) {
throw MyExceptionClass::usefulErrorDescription($id, $entity);
// Do stuff with $entity ...
So far this has certainly tidied up the code throwing the exception, and made it much easier to see what’s going on. Also, all the exception messages are now in 1 place, inside the exception class, so they’re easier to manage.
However, at this point I still think that the exception class looks a bit messy and could be improved further. Using the wonders of PHP 5.4’s nice new feature, I created the following trait:
* This trait provides a factory method for exceptions which have static
* methods to create themselves.
* @author Tom Oram <tom@scl.co.uk>
trait ExceptionFactoryTrait
* Create an instance of the exception with a formatted message.
* @param string $message The exception message in sprintf format.
* @param array $params The sprintf parameters for the message.
* @param int $code Numeric exception code.
* @param \Exception $previous The previous exception.
* @return self
protected static function create(
array $params = [],
$code = 0,
$previous = null
) {
return new self(vsprintf($message, $params), $code, $previous);
* Returns a string representation of the type of a variable.
* @param mixed $variable
* @return string
protected static function typeToString($variable)
return is_object($variable)
? get_class($variable)
: gettype($variable);
Now, by telling my exception class to use this trait, I can have nice neat exception classes like so:
class MyExceptionClass
use ExceptionFactoryTrait;
public static function usefulErrorDescription($id, $entity)
return new self::create(
'The nice descriptions that methods id "%d" and the type of entity "%s".',
[$id, self::typeToString($entity)]
// more factory methods ...
I think is a much more elegant solution!
Please let me know of any thoughts or suggestions!