WARNING: This post was written a long time ago. It exists here as a record and may not reflect my current views or opinions. Also, any code, technologies or examples may be out of date.

While trying to learn TDD I found myself asking this question fairly often. I’ve searched for the answer online many times and always got mixed responses. I’ve also devised many clever ways to try to test them, and even ways to mock $this. However, now I’ve got to a point where I’m confident I have a very valid answer to this question and I’m going to try to explain it here…

So, “Should you test private methods?”

The short answer is No!.

The slightly longer answer is: “If you are even asking this question you do not understand TDD yet.” That might sound a little harsh, but I will explain why this is in a moment. But before I do that, I just want to say that I can think of one valid reason where you might want to test a private method. I will explain that at the end of this post.

The Long Answer

Where do private methods come from?

The first thing I want to talk about here is where private methods come from in the TDD cycle.

The first thing you do is write your test. You then try to satisfy that test. Usually to satisfy a test it only takes a few lines of code to be added, or modified. Generally you will do these additions/modifications inline.

Once the test passes, it’s time to refactor. This is generally the point at which you’ll take some slightly complex looking bits of code (or nested condition/loop statements) and move them to one or more private methods. At this point you have neater and more descriptive looking code. On top of that, your private method is already tested by the tests covering the code calling it.

Surely it’s easier to test something once rather than multiple times?

The next question is: “what if multiple methods call a private method? Surely then it’s easier to test the private method once, rather than once for each method calling it?”

My answer to that is again “No”. The reason is: when using TDD, you should be building your code incrementally, you should be satisfying a test by calling the private method rather than calling it and working out how to test it. The call to the private method should solve the failing test, not the other way around.

Another possibility here might be that the private method is doing something suitably complex. Something that writing the failing test (or tests) that would be fixed by calling it from would be quite a long and complex process. In this situation your private method is probably doing a specific task, different from the focus of the class it exists in. This breaks the Single Responsibility Principal. In this case it should refactored out into its own class which can be independently tested.

What about protected methods? And should I test abstract classes and traits directly?

OK, so now things get a bit different. Here I think it depends on the purpose of the methods in question, as well as how they came into existence…

For abstract classes and traits which for part of a library’s API

If you’re writing a library and you create an abstract class or a trait for people who use that library to extend or use then my answer is “Yes, absolutely.”.

A good way to do this is to create a test class in your test suite which uses/implements the trait/abstract class, allowing you to test the public methods. You can also add any public methods needed to expose the protected methods (private methods still need not be tested independently as they are not part of the API). Again, the methods should be created because of the tests, not tests to try to test the methods.

For parent classes or traits which have appeared out of the development process

Often a parent class or trait won’t be something you decide to come up with first, but rather as the tests drive you to develop a class (or maybe a 2nd class that has similar functionality to an existing class). You decide that maybe moving some methods to a parent class or trait would be a good idea.

When you do this, the tests which cover the class you have extracted methods from, will still cover your new parent class/trait so do you need to test them independently?

I think to answer this question is that you need to decide what the purpose of your new parent class/trait is. If it’s to provide a shared bit of functionality for one or more classes in your system, but will unlikely be used by other people then I think it is fine to leave it as - being covered by the tests for the classes using it. However, if it is to become part of your API and you expected other people might like to use/extend it then yes, I think it should be tested independently. This way, should you ever remove the classes which you have written that use or extend your trait or parent class, then it will still be tested.

As a little bonus point: I think that if you have tested a parent class independently, then you can remove the tests from the children which test the functionality of the parent class, then simply test that the child classes extend from the tested parent class. This is personal preference but I like to do this.

My main point here is: if something forms part of an API (including public methods, protected methods and traits) then they should be tested independently.

When should I test a private method?

At the beginning I said that there was one situation when I thought maybe testing a private method might be a good idea. This is when you have a legacy, un-tested system, which you want to try to add some tests to ensure you don’t break anything when trying to refactor/update it. In this case, I think certain situations might present themselves where this is a good, temporary idea. However, in the long run I would hope that eventually the need for that test will be refactored away.


The main points in this article are:

  • If you are doing TDD right, you should never find yourself asking if you should test a private method.
  • Private methods, and in fact all code, should be created because of the tests
  • not the other way around.
  • Make sure that anything that makes up part of your API is tested independently! Everything you write should be tested anyway!

Finally, this is an informed opinion, taken from what I have learnt from research and experience. It’s working perfectly for me but if you have a different view on this I’d love to hear about it!

Also, if you think I have not been clear about anything or would like some code examples, then let me know!