WARNING: This post was written a long time ago. It exists here as a record and may not reflect my current views or opinions. Also, any code, technologies or examples may be out of date.
Yesterday, I was trying to test that the ServiceManager
was correctly creating
an instance of a class which took a Zend\Http\Request
object as a
parameter to the constructor. The problem I ran into was that since the Zend
MVC Application had been initialised from PHPUnit, it decided it was running in
a console context and was using a Zend\Console\Request
After a bit of hunting around I came up with the following, simple solution:
class MyModuleTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* The test which requires a HTTP Request object.
public function test_service_manager_creates_successfully()
$serviceManager = \TestBootstrap::getApplication()
* Sets the service manager to return an instance of \Zend\Http\Request
* instead of its default.
private function setRequestTypeToHttp($serviceManager)
// This needs to be set so we can change the service manager config
// Replace the Request service with a callback which creates
// a \Zend\Http\Request instance instead
$serviceManager->setFactory('Request', function ($sm) {
return new \Zend\Http\Request();
My PHPUnit boostrap file for reference
class TestBootstrap
private static $autoloaderFiles = [
private static $application;
* Setup the testing environment.
* @param string $config Path to the Zend application config file.
* @return void
public static function init($config)
$loader = self::getAutoloader();
//$loader->add('ModuleTestNamespace\\', __DIR__);
self::$application = \Zend\Mvc\Application::init($config);
* Return the application instance.
* @return \Zend\Mvc\Application
public static function getApplication()
return self::$application;
private static function getAutoloader()
global $loader;
foreach (self::$autoloaderFiles as $file) {
if ($file[1] !== '/') {
$file = __DIR__ . '/' . $file;
if (file_exists($file)) {
$loader = include $file;
if (!isset($loader) || !$loader) {
throw new \RuntimeException('vendor/autoload.php not found. Have you run composer?');
return $loader;
TestBootstrap::init(include __DIR__ . '/application.config.php');